07 February 2013

First Drugs

So now I'm just waiting for my period...

In the meantime I thought I'd put up what I got from the doctor.  They had it all ready for me in a blue plastic bag.  This is probably about half of the drugs (or a bit less) than I will actually need.  I appreciate that they are only giving me what I need.  I've read some blogs where people were encouraged to buy all the drugs up front and of course they may adjust the dose so then you have left-over very very expensive drugs.  You're looking at over £600 of drugs and equipment here ($900).

To give you some idea of size, that paper on top is A3 (11x17).  I felt like a serious junkie on my way home from the clinic!  I will post more pictures as I go through the process.  I don't know.  It helps me feel calm and collected to document the process.  The first thing I'll be taking is the Gonal-F on the second day of my period.

For the love of... I'm not computer illiterate!  I don't know why it insists on rotating this photo.  I give up.  So anyway, these are two injection pens.  I'll give more details when I open my first box.  Probably the 450 box.  I'm starting on a 225 dose, so the first pen will have 2 doses.  The second 900 pen has 4 doses.  But they may lower the dose after my next scan which should be on day 4 of injections.  On day 4 I also start the Cetrotide which is the one that came with the instruction sheet because I have to mix it.  That is always the same dose, so each box is a single dose with everything you need to mix it up.  Again, more on that as it happens.

But the thing that really made me feel the most like a druggie?  The sharps bin.  Here you can see the place for my needles... and the top of my instruction schedule.  The nurse was very careful to tell me that as it's shown there it's 'closed' but if I push it the whole way, it will lock.  So don't do that.  Of course I need to travel around with this thing and I'm thinking, if it doesn't close, can't things fall out of it???  I'll just have to pack it carefully.

Now on with the waiting for my period... honestly.  It's worse than being a 12 year old girl!

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